Chat Room

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Chat Room

Postby Guest on Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:26 am

Hey~ would it be possible to add a chat room to the site to practice the vocab with with our fellow classmates or whoever is online? has a pinyin chat room, I was thinking something similar to that but using traditional characters? would enhance reading recognition and comprehension etc. just an idea, what you think?

Re: Chat Room

Postby Guest on Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:07 pm

Actually today I was searching for a program to practice typing Chinese. So, that idea sounds really great to me. However, I am curious will it be for using a pinyin input method or zhuyin(BoPoMoFo)? As far as I know, most windows operating systems will use the zhuyin keyboard layout otherwise the characters are simplified if you use the pinyin input method. I use Dr. Eye, so I am able to type traditional Chinese characters using the pinyin input method, but I don't know about others. I hope more students will become forum friendly so we can build on this site. :D

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